
The Benefits of a Commercial Water Softener
Croix Crystal Water

The Benefits of a Commercial Water Softener

As a business owner, there are a variety of responsibilities to take on. Ensuring the facets of all parts of your business efficiently is one of them, including your water softener.

Understanding the difference between soft and hard water can help you determine which kind of water is best for your building and business. However, installing a water softener system for your commercial building has several benefits.

The Difference Between Hard Water and Soft Water

Prior to installing a new commercial water softener, you should take the time to understand the difference between hard water and soft water.

Hard water contains magnesium and calcium minerals. These minerals can become noticeable when they build up on your building’s appliances or create a harder texture on your washed clothing. Soft water doesn’t contain these minerals.

Many homeowners and commercial building owners notice the difference between hard water and soft water when washing dishes, washing clothing, and bathing. You may also see the difference between hard and soft water based on each type's taste.

Hard water tastes like a mouthful of pennies in some cases, while softened water will taste smooth and not disrupt your palette. Hard water may also possess a different color than soft water.

While soft water comes out clear and translucent, hard water can have a tinge of orangish-red. You will find this orangish-red left behind near sink drains in your business if you have hard water.

How a Commercial Water Softener Works

A commercial water softener removes magnesium and calcium minerals and replaces them with sodium ions. The exchange of hard water minerals for sodium happens inside the water softener’s tank.

With proper water softener maintenance, your system should serve your building for many years with little or no complications.

Why a Water Softener is Beneficial for Your Commercial Building

Many businesses can benefit from installing a water softener in the building, such as:

●          Restaurants

●          Apartments

●          Hotels

●          Car Washes

●          Laundromats

●          Hospitals

●          & More

If your business uses water in any way, you could benefit from installing a new commercial water softener.

Here are some advantages your newly installed commercial water softener will give your business.

Prolong the Lifespan of Your Building’s Appliances

When hard water minerals accumulate, they can build up on your appliances creating a sludge around necessary pipes and pieces. This sludge can cause pipes and machine parts to break down and leak.

Additionally, when the sludge blocks the water movement through the pipes, you will need to call for a repair on your plumbing system. To save money on costly repairs, consider installing a water softener in your building. In addition to preventing damage, you will also prolong your appliances’ lifespans and save money on any replacement pieces.

Increase Your Building’s Energy Efficiency

When your water heater develops a build-up of hard water minerals, it cannot run efficiently. When your water heater has to work harder, it can cause your monthly energy bills to increase.

By installing a commercial water softener, you can prevent your water heater from developing scale buildup, which will allow the heater to work more efficiently. This will save you money every month.

In addition to your water heater, a water softener will also prevent the pipes from developing a buildup of minerals, allowing the water to transfer through the system with greater ease, saving you money on energy bills and maintenance costs.

Finally, if your business uses soap or detergent to clean utensils or clothing, you can save money by using less soap with soft water. Because hard water doesn’t lather with soap as efficiently as soft water, you may need more soap to clean your items and clothing.

Soft water lathers with soap and detergent much better than hard water, making your soap last longer and have a more significant effect.

Enjoy Cleaner Products and Utensils

Soft water is extremely noticeable when it comes to the cleanliness of your clothing and objects. With hard water, you may notice streaks and signs of leftover minerals. This can cause glassware, silverware, and dishes to appear dirty even after thoroughly cleaning them.

When your dishes appear dirty, customers and employees may generate misleading conclusions. Installing a water softener will allow you to have an overall cleaner appearance on all of your dishes and utensils.

Additionally, soft water will make bedding, clothing, and towels feel softer to the touch. Tenants in your commercial building can have more comfortable clothing and other personal items if you have tenants.

Provide Better Drinking Water for Your Customers

Whether your business is a bustling restaurant or a mechanic shop, having access to great-tasting water is essential. A commercial water softener will not only remove the excess of minerals but will also produce better tasting water for your customers.

Combine your commercial water softener with a water filtration system for the best tasting water for your business!

Call on Croix Crystal Water Treatment for Commercial Water Softener Installation

A commercial water softener will benefit your building and business in many ways. If your building is ready to experience the benefits of a commercial water softener, contact Croix Crystal Water Treatment today.

We’ll install your water softener quickly and efficiently so you can start sharing the advantages as soon as possible. We’ll also ensure your commercial water softener continues to serve you with our water softener maintenance services.

If you are unsure if your home or business has hard water, we suggest getting a water test.

To schedule an appointment with our team of dedicated water specialists, contact us at 715-386-8667. We look forward to working with you!

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